| 1. | Most trade associations in our country came into being with reform of government organization from top to bottom and reorganization of trade administration bureau of government . they have the color of government administration unavoidably in jurisdiction , object of service , personnel and funds , which has caused duty of the trade association to lie in managing enterprises as members , but not to serve members , let alone trade self - disciplining and coordination . and this ca n ' t meet the need after our country joined wto 由于我国的行业协会多是伴随政府机构改革自上而下产生的,由政府的各行业管理局改组而成,从行政隶属上、服务对象上、人事上、经费上不免带有以往政府行政管理的色彩,这就造成了行业协会的工作职责在于管理作为会员的企业,而非为会员服务,更谈不上行业自律和行业协调,不能适应我国加入世贸组织的需要。 |